Monday, November 26, 2018

Pom Pom Rug

The next project I am going to share with you is my area rug. The rug is approximately 4x6 feet, and it is made out of yarn. I made this rug over the summer this year for my dorm room, and it is very fluffy. It was cheaper for me to make this rug than it was to buy a fluffy rug from any store. They can be very expensive!

The first thing I did was look up on the internet how to make a pom pom rug. To make a pom pom rug, you start with 2 toilet paper rolls. This is without the toilet paper. You just the cardboard part. You tape the two rolls together so that they touch lengthwise. You are not making a paper towel roll, if that makes sense. Yarn gets wrapped around the rolls 70-90 times for the size pom poms that I made. After that, you cut the yarn, remove it from the toilet paper rolls, and tie the middle together with another short piece of yarn. Make sure to tie it tight to the pom pom doesn’t fall apart! The next step is to use scissors to cut the loops you just created so that they are no longer loops and are just separate strands of relatively the same length. To clear any of these instructions up, you can search a Youtube video on how to make a pom pom rug.

The first thing I did was order a 4x6 foot non-slip rug mat from amazon. After my order came in, I started making the pom poms for the rug. I would make enough pom poms for one row of each color and then tie that row to the mat. I didn’t want to do one thing at once because I didn’t want to get really bored too quickly. I was on a deadline for this project, of course. It was for my college dorm room. Here is a picture of my rug 3 rows into the project. As well as these colors, I also used two shades of blue and some yellow.

I continued my strategy until my rug was finished. I also made the blue and yellow pom poms slightly smaller than the gray, tan, and white pom poms so that they would stick out more. This project took a lot of my time, but I’m glad that I took the time to do it. It is a great edition to the dorm room! Here is a picture of the finished product.

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